Next Meeting Date - 30/01/24
Fife Charities Trust next meeting will be held on Tuesday January 30th 2024. Any funding applications need to be emailed/sent to us by...

£500 for Theatre? - Whynot
Whynot Youth Theatre Group in Dunfermline were recipients of £500 from our Christmas giveaway as nominated by FCT Board Member, Loraine...

Woodside Boys Football Club - Xmas Cheer
It's that time of the year again where FCT board members nominate clubs/community groups/charities to receive one off funding of £500....

£500 Christmas Giveaway - Womans Aid
Fife Womans Aid were nominated to receive their £500 cheque by Board Member Jacqueline Armitage. Joy Patrick who is Manager at Womans Aid...

£500 Christmas Giveaway - TWIG
The Wemyss Improvement Group (or TWIG for short) were nominated by Catherine Fleming to receive her cheque to keep up the good work they...

£500 Christmas Giveaway - HCPT Group 77
HCPT Group 77 was nominated by Carrie Brown to receive £500. This was in memory of a friend who had recently passed away at a young age...

£500 Christmas Giveaway - Leonard Cheshire
In December, Fife Charities Trust took the decision to award £500 each to some local groups nominated by our Board Members. There were a...

Fife Rainbow Gala
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Fife's Spirit of Christmas Appeal 2015
On Friday 27th November 2015, our Treasurer Carrie, went on a shopping trip to purchase selection boxes to donate to The Fife's Spirit of...