Fife Rainbow Gala

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Over £2,300 has been raised for good causes in Fife following a successful event celebrating equality diversity in the Kingdom.
Fife’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community came together with friends and family for the first ‘Fife Rainbow Gala and Awards’ at the Carnegie Conference Centre in Dunfermline on Friday night, where over 130 guests enjoyed entertainment, inspirational speeches and an awards ceremony.
There was recognition of the work underway across Fife for individuals and organisations who work to end discrimination and stigma, with 8 sparkling trophies awarded by judges.
As we had donated to the Gala, a member of Fife Charities Trust was asked to go along and present an Award. Board member Susan Gilchrist went along on the evening and presented the Award for Health in Fife (which went to NHS Sexual Health Clinics).
Susan says "I attended the Rainbow Gala with one of my friends and we enjoyed the meal and the evening with Nancy Clench, the host, who was brilliant. There were also a few guests who went on stage to give their experiences of how their lives had changed, and the support they received from their friends/colleagues and family. I also met and chatted to a few of the attendees during the evening and visited some of the tables giving out everything from condoms to bubbles"
