Lucky Lynn!
It pays to be in the employee lottery if you are a Fife Council employee! 'Lucky Lynn' Cunningham has won £250, 2 months in a row! Here's...

K107 FM Kicking it at PKD
K107 (Kirkcaldy Community Radio) received their cheque from the June meeting at PKD festival on Saturday. Pictured below is Colin...

Kingdom Theatre - Curtain Up :-)
Lorraine Brown from Kingdom Theatre Company being presented their cheque from the June meeting by Carrie from the Fife Charities Trust...

Kirkland Villa Footie Funding
Kirkland Villa AFC Manager, Pete Cunningham receiving a cheque from FCT Committee member Kelly Dewar StartFragment EndFragment

Kings Theatre Funding
One of our Committee members, John Murray presenting a cheque from FCT to Grant Foster, CEO of Kings Theatre Kirkcaldy. Picture shows...

FCT - The Queen's Garden Party 4/7/17
On Tuesday 4th July 2017, members from Fife Charities Trust were invited by the Lord Lieutenant of Fife to the Queens Garden Party at...