£500 Xmas Giveaway - East Wemyss Angling Club
As per the decision made last year, Fife Charities Trust took the same decision again in 2017 to award £500 each to some local groups nominated by our Board Members. There were a variety of charities/community groups chosen by our members and we will be showing these as and when cheques are presented.
Board Member Catherine Fleming nominated East Weymss Angling Club to receive her £500. The club were delighted with their gift and the £500 has given their funds a great boost and they will not need to worry now if they need to hire a digger to bank up the jetty due to bad weather now.
The club is used by all ages and the older ones teach the younger ones all about fishing.
Picture below is of Jack, Catherine (FCT Board Member), Pete and Frank. Frank is the Secretary of the club and the other 2 people are members of the club.