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Kennoway Community Shed

Fife Charities Trust provided a grant of £500 to the Kennoway Community Shed which has made such a difference to the group. KCS have been meeting since the spring of this year and are going from strength to strength. Their aim is to get people together - they hope to encourage folks who would maybe be sitting in their own home alone to come along for a cup of tea and a chat and join in with any of the activities if they wish. Everybody shares their skills so there are plenty of opportunities at KCS to learn from one another.

They provided a few updates to FCT on what has been happening and it's a lot. Looks like a fun time had by all!

The woodworkers have been busy making planters, bird feeders, bee houses etc. Much of the wood used is re-claimed. The latest bird feeders are very imaginative and used old bicycle wheels. They have filled the planters with flowers and positioned them around Kennoway. They water them and keep them tidy by weeding and dead heading. This is an activity they are working on in conjunction with Kennoway Community Council and Fife Council

  • The craft section has made jewellery, items of clothing, greetings cards etc. They have also experimented with pyrography. The group is now concentrating on making items which could be sold in future for fundraising.

  • The group also have a local historian who comes along and he has given groups guided walks through The Causeway, Old Kennoway Cemetery and The Den. These talks are always very interesting with just the right amount of humour.

  • Some of the younger members have been building a remote-controlled boat kit. It has now been completed and is just awaiting sea trials at Beveridge Park!

Recently, the group had their first cook school. The Chairperson did very well - with the group being treated to home-made sausage rolls and apple pie for lunch.

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